WiSE: Guidelines of Use and Privacy Policy

Wesley College: Guidelines of Use and Privacy Policy

WiSE Terms and Conditions for Use

WiSE has been designed to support the learning, teaching and operational needs of the School and for communication between members of the School Community. Use of WiSE by Staff and Students is also governed by the School’s ICT Responsible Use Policies and Procedures which are deemed to be accepted at login time.


Staff, Students and Parents are issued with unique account credentials for WiSE. These are used to determine which information is accessible to you. Any information that you contribute to WiSE is identifiable to you and may be widely available to other WiSE users unless you take steps to deliberately restrict access. For this reason, it is best to assume that whatever you add is visible to all WiSE users. It is important to note that personal and sensitive information will be managed in accordance with our Privacy Policy and disclosed for administrative and educational purposes and thus not visible to all WiSE users. A copy of the Wesley College Privacy Policy is available at: http://www.wesleycollege.net/PrivacyPolicy.aspx#privacy

You are responsible for maintaining the confidentiality of the password you use to access WiSE and are fully responsible for all activities that occur under your account. You must notify us immediately if your login name, password and/or account are misused or become disclosed so that College can investigate and take appropriate corrective action which may include new login and password. You are responsible for any other person using your login name and password providing access to your account, and these Terms and Conditions for Use will apply to such use as if the use was made by you.

Collection of Information and Privacy

Collection of information and its use and disclosure will be subject to Wesley College’s Privacy Policy, which is available at: http://www.wesleycollege.net/PrivacyPolicy.aspx#privacy

When using WiSE, you consent to the collection, storage, use and dissemination of your personal information in accordance with this Privacy Policy.

Where you provide personal information relating to another person, you warrant that you have authority to do so. You will keep information managed within WiSE about others in the School community confidential and not share the information with any other person. However, if you are a member of Wesley College staff, it is recognised that, at times, you may share confidential information with internal and external parties to carry out your professional and legal responsibilities.

Wesley College staff, in the course of employment will have access to confidential information about the College and its students, parents and employees. Confidential information includes information about the affairs, processes, dealings, finances, organisation and personnel, including students, parents and employees, of the College. Confidential information may be used solely for the purpose of performing your duties with the College. 

You may only disclose confidential information:

  • To persons who are aware and agree that the confidential information must be kept confidential or to persons who have signed a Confidentiality Agreement, as required by the College from time to time, and either:
  • Have a need to know (and only to the extent that each has a need to know); or

  • Have been approved by the College, as relevant; or

  • That is required by law to be disclosed.

This and similar confidential information is not to be imparted deliberately or carelessly to any person at any time who is not authorised by the Principal to receive it.  This obligation continues both during and after your employment with the College. Where you are in possession of documents, software, computers or telecommunication devices containing confidential information or material, you are responsible for the security of these items at all times. A breach of these conditions whilst employed with the College may be grounds for summary termination of employment.  Should disclosure in breach of these conditions be made after employment with the College ceases, the College may apply for an injunction to restrain the breach in addition to claiming damages for losses suffered.

You must immediately notify the Principal or his/her delegate of any suspected or actual unauthorised use, copying or disclosure of confidential information.

You must provide assistance reasonably requested by the College in relation to any proceedings that the College may take against any person for unauthorised use, copying or disclosure of confidential information.

Copyright and Intellectual Property

The material on WiSE is protected under Australian and International copyright and other laws governing protection of intellectual property rights. You may only copy (either electronically or in hard copy) material on WiSE for personal, non-commercial use in conjunction with your use of WiSE. Copyright within WiSE belongs wholly with Wesley College.

Through your use of WiSE, unless otherwise agreed by the College in advance and in writing:

(a)     Assign to the College all future rights (other than moral rights – rights to integrity of authorship, the right of attribution of authorship and the right not to have authorship falsely attributed) to intellectual property throughout the world (including copyright) in all inventions, models, designs, drawings, plans, software, reports, proposals and other materials created or generated by you (whether alone or with the College, its other employees or contractors) for use by the College; and

(b)     Acknowledge that by virtue of this provision all such future rights will vest in the College.

You must do all things reasonably requested by the College to enable the College to assure further the rights assigned above.


Regardless of your relationship with Wesley College, WiSE must only be used to support the learning, teaching and operational activities of Wesley. Take care when adding information to WiSE, make sure that what you add is not offensive, threatening, defamatory, racist, discriminatory or illegal. Inappropriate use of WiSE may result in the loss of access to WiSE for the person or people responsible.

Links to third party site

Links to other web sites that are accessible from WiSE may contain terms and conditions that are different from the terms and conditions for WiSE. The School does not control or endorse these sites, and is not responsible or liable for the accuracy, legality, or any other aspect of the content of such sites or for any damage or injury arising in connection with your access to such sites. The inclusion of any link does not imply endorsement by Wesley College of any linked site.


Wesley College, from time to time will review, monitor and curate WiSE content to ensure quality content and use and to ensure compliance with these Terms and Conditions. Any information that you contribute to WiSE is identifiable to you along with the date and time of the contribution. Individual WiSE pages may be inspected for compliance with the above Terms and Conditions at any time.